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Vallejo Primer

I recently bought some Vallejo Primer and got to use it for the first time today.


I have been using automotive primer for years now. Unfortunately the smell is a bit much. I've tried Tamiya primer and the smell is worse. Lastly I tried Gamers Workshop primer and again bad smell, and its got some wicked ingrediants that arent good for you. While serching E Bay I found this Vallejo Primer and thought sure I'll give it a try. I checked the price and at $6.26 for 60ml I could not refuse.
Well I gave it a try today and it is awesome. Did not need thinning, did not clog my airbrush or model details and next to no smell. Perfect. It was easily cleaned up with alcohol. I can hardly wait to try it on a figure. But on my sFH-18 I think it looks great.
I bought mine from CJ Hobby Lobby . I found them to be fast and communicative.
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